Trustee Area Elections - Community survey
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Encuesta de la Comunidad de Interés

Survey results 

Results of communities of interest surveys (PDF)

Take the survey online  

Use the language selection tool on the survey.

Or use the mapping tool to draw your communities of interest



Realice la encuesta en línea. Utilice la herramienta de selección de idioma en la encuesta.

Take the survey on a PDF  (English)

This survey is intended to help identify "communities of interest" within the Foothill-De Anza Community College District. The information from the survey will be used in the drawing of boundary lines dividing the district into five trustee areas of roughly equal population size. Keeping communities of interest together is important for fair and effective representation.

A community of interest is a group of people who share common social or economic interests and live in a geographically definable area. Some communities of interest are familiar and have official boundaries, such as a city or school district. Other communities of interest are informal and may not appear on any map or be familiar to people outside of those communities. Communities of interest are best described by the people who are part of them. Please tell us about yours!

When documenting your community, it is important to explain: 

  • The shared culture, characteristics, or bonds of your community
  • The distinguishable geographic boundaries of your community 
  • How your community could be affected by decisions of the Board of Trustees  

The survey can be drawn into a map with the mapping tool, taken online or using a PDF. The PDF can be dowloaded and completed electronically or printed out and completed by hand. Directions for returning the PDF survey appear at the end of the document.