2023 District Opening Day Morning Workshops

District Opening Day - morning workshops

Wednesday, September 20,  2023

Foothill College


Morning workshops 10:00 a.m.-noon - Map (PDF)

1 hour workshops (Session One 10:00-11:00 a.m. | Session Two 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.)

1.5 hour workshops (10:00-11:30 a.m.)

2 hour workshops (10:00 a.m.-noon)

Afternoon workshops 12:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m. (click here for afternoon schedule)


One Hour Workshops - Morning Session One - 10:00-11:00 a.m.
10:00-11:00 a.m.
10:00-11:00 a.m. Room 1401

Making Documents Accessible

While HTML pages are always the best environment for those using screen reader and mobile devices, at times there may be a valid reason to make use of external documents (Word, PowerPoint, PDF). In this session, we’ll go through how to address accessibility in each of the different formats, plus plenty of time for questions. You’ll leave with a solid understanding of how to create accessible documents.

Presenter:  Helen Graves, Instructional Designer

10:00-11:00 a.m. Room 5502

EOPS:  What you don't know, what you want to know, and what you need to know

Come learn about the Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS) including its supplemental programs, Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE), Guardian Scholars Program (GSP) and NextUp. Our programs help low-income and academically disadvantaged students to be successful in college. We provide eligible students with support services such as early registration, personal and academic counseling, transfer assistance, and in some cases, grants and book assistance. We often get questions, such as:
  • Is EOPS just one program?
  • How do students apply?
  • What is the deadline date?
  • Is there a need for more documentation than just an application?
  • How many units must a student take?
  • What is CARE, GSP, and Next-up?
  • What is the difference between book funds and grants?
These questions and more will be answered in our one-hour workshop and Q&A Session.

Presenters:  The EOPS Team

10:00-11:00 a.m. Room 3402

How Latinx/a/o Students Perceive Community College Counseling and How These Perceptions Might Inform Campuswide Efforts

This workshop will explore the results of a recent dissertation study on how Latinx/a/o students perceive community college counseling. The workshop will include a facilitated discussion on how the results of this study might inform approaches to working with students across campus, in various spaces, regardless of job description.

Presenter:  Isaac Escoto, Counselor

10:00-11:00 a.m. Room 3101

District Enrollment and the Student Centered Funding Formula Metrics

If you are confused by the Student Center Funding Formula (SCFF) metrics and want to get a foundational understanding of what each of those are and how district revenue is calculated from them, then this is the place for you. We will go through each of the metrics, discuss how enrollment translates into dollars, and look at our district numbers to understand district calculations. With all that data to talk about, you know it's going to be a good time! Hope to see you there!

Presenter:  David Ulate, Executive Director, Institutional Research and Planning

10:00-11:00 a.m. Room 3106

Substance Use Prevention and Narcan Training

1.Review the most commonly used substances (e.g. alcohol, marijuana, vaping/e- cigs, Rx drugs) among college students.
2. Opioids/fentanyl and Narcan training. Narcan kits will be provided to all participants.

Presenters:  Rosafel Nogra, Director, Health Services Clinic, and Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services


1.5 Hour Workshops - Morning Session
10:00-11:30 a.m.
Locations coming soon
10:00-11:30 a.m. Room 1901 (President's Conference Room)

Thought 2 F33L

Bring your heart, bring your soul, be ready to be engaged. Using our bodies as percussion instruments, we will create a community of versatility through our origins uniquely through music. Listening to your own pulse, we will create a rhythm and speak a native language of music together.

Presenters:  Andre Meggerson, Senior Administrative Assistant, and Fountainetta Coleman, Program Coordinator

10:00-11:30 a.m. Room 5501

Mentor Mindset Initiative - Learn about belonging, growth, mindset and purpose interventions in the classroom or in your service area

Twenty-two faculty, staff, and administrators from Foothill have completed a nine-week fellowship on how to increase a sense of belonging, use growth mindset strategies, and unveil purpose through transparency in their classrooms or service areas. They will share their research-based interventions and how they will be implemented in their areas of work this fall quarter.

Presenters:  Rachel Mudge, Mathematics Instructor, and Fellows

10:00-11:30 a.m. Room 3204

Academic Senate:  Practices, policies, and priorities

This workshop will introduce the work of the academic senates in the district. Come learn who makes up the academic senates (did you know there are 3?), how the senates function, and how all members of the college can become involved or keep informed of our work. Topics that will be covered include the 10+1, the Brown Act, meeting modality and making quorum, the basics of Robert's Rules and shared decision making, and public participation at meetings. There will also be time to discuss current and future projects and priorities for the academic senates at Foothill-De Anza. Current or prospective senators encouraged to attend!

Presenters:  Erik Woodbury, De Anza College Academic Senate President, and Voltaire Villanueva, Foothill College Academic Senate President


Two Hour Workshops - Morning Session
10:00 a.m.-noon
Locations coming soon
10:00 a.m.-noon Room 3304

De Anza Guided Pathways Villages

Help shape the future of the De Anza Guided Pathways Villages! Join us to learn about Guided Pathways' current and future projects including our Village Centers and Village Programming; participate in collaborative brainstorming and feedback sessions. Share your voice, shape our future!

Presenters:  The Guided Pathways Coordination Team

10:00 a.m.-noon Native Garden in Lot 5

Native Garden Cleanup

Come learn about native California plants, get some stress out in the fresh air and meet colleagues from across the district in this garden cleanup workshop. We will be removing weeds from the garden to help the garden thrive and support wildlife. Gloves and tools provided (and lemonade!).

Presenter:  Gillian Schultz, Biology Instructor, and Lisa Schultheis, Biology Instructor

10:00 a.m.-noon Room 3504

Creative Commons and Zero Cost:  Demystifying, finding, and using open educational resources

Are you new to open educational resources (OER) or need a refresher? Learn the difference between "open" and "free," what Creative Commons licensing means, and the benefits of OER for both students and faculty. We will cover some search strategies for finding OER, and participants will leave the webinar with some go-to sites for finding OER and a basic understanding of different forms of copyright and licensing. There will be opportunities to ask questions on all OER topics throughout the session.

Presenter:  Cathy Patel, Learning Disability Specialist; Carolyn Holcroft, Coordinator, Faculty Professional Development; and Shagun Kaur, Communication Studies Instructor

10:00 a.m.-noon Room 2020 (Toyon Room)

Staying Human:  How to support each other through the challenges of generative AI

Recently we’ve been hearing a lot about ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies. These technologies can bring up a variety of feelings, from excitement about the power of these new tools to anxiety about the ways our students or others might use them. This workshop is designed for all groups across the district to discuss their experiences with generative AI and to learn some strategies for coping with these new technologies. We will create the space for an exploratory conversation across constituencies, from classified to faculty to administrators. We welcome participants at all levels of engagement with AI, from those who have never tried it to those who have fully integrated it into their lives. The goal is to build connection, conversation, and collaboration across the institution in order to support each other through the challenges and opportunities presented by generative AI. Participants will leave this workshop with a set of concrete resources and strategies related to AI literacy that they can then share throughout the district.

Presenters:  Chesa Caparas, English Instructor; Alex Giardino, English Instructor; and Jim Nguyen, Political Science Instructor

10:00 a.m.-noon Room 3201

Making It Meaningful:  Preparing for program review — mission, goals, and learning outcomes

As De Anza College engages in comprehensive program review in fall 2023, a first step for your department or area is to review your mission statement. Yes, a mission statement is the first entry on the program review! Does the mission energize your area and speak to the important work you do? Does it help achieve your learning outcomes? Will it guide you and your colleagues in setting three goals to achieve by 2025 (the second entry on the program review)? The aim of this session is to help areas prepare for the comprehensive program review in three key areas: 1. Mission - enable participants to transform their area's mission to guide their work, 2) Goal Setting - draft at least three goals to achieve by spring 2027, and 3) Learning Outcomes Reflection - establish a process for dialogue around learning outcome assessments to create strategies to evoke change.

Presenters:  Veronica Acevedo Avila, Reading Program Instructor; Mallory Newell, Supervisor, Institutional Research and Planning; Mary Pape, Computer Information Systems Instructor; and Mae Lee, Intercultural Studies Instructor

10:00 a.m.-noon Room 1501 (Appreciation Hall)

ETI Updates:  From virtual reality to emerging technologies

The evolution from the Foothill College VR User Group to the Emerging Technologies Institute (ETI). Focus will be updates on the below technologies:
1. Virtual Reality (VR): Update on activities since our last presentation during last year's Foothill Opening Day.
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Future of Business and AI, Ethics and AI, Possible Self thru AI, ChatGPT
3. Cymatics: The integration of Music, Psychology, Math, and Physics

Facilitators:  Zachary Cembellin, Math Instructor; Ron Herman, Dean, Fine Arts and Communication; and Konstantin Kalaitzidis, Program Coordinator


 One Hour Workshops - Morning Session Two - 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Locations coming soon
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Room 3101

Don't Take the Phish Bait

Come learn how to spot phishing emails and what you can do to protect yourself, your coworkers, and our students. Topics will include an overview of various types of phishing campaigns, how to spot them, what to do when you're not sure if it's a phish, and a shame-free space to learn what to do if you ever accidentally take the bait. You'll learn how bad actors are attacking our colleges and district, as well as how failing to spot a phish has impacted our students.

Presenters:  Kevin Metcalf, District Information Technology Supervisor, and Jory Hadsell, Vice Chancellor, Technology

11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Room 5502

Supporting Our Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Expansive Students

This workshop will aim to deepen participants' understanding of the specific needs and supports for our transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive (TNG) students. Attendees will learn more about the disparity between TNG students and students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ), as well as the different supports that can implement to create a more inclusive campus. While the focus of the workshop will be on TNG students, the needs and recommended supports of TNG employees will also be highlighted.

Presenters:  Alicia Mullens, Astronomy Instructor, and Jamie Pelusi, Faculty Coordinator, PRIDE Center

11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Room 1401

EW and Pass/No Pass Grade Modes - All the pros and cons you must know

EW and P/NP regulations changes have been overwhelming and confusing to students, counselors, staff, instructors, and administrators. We want to make sure everyone understands the differences between EW and W, P/NP grade mode vs. a letter grade, and all the benefits and negative implications that could be irreversible. There are a few restrictions and eligibility criteria that everyone must know before advising students to petition.

Presenters:  Nazy Galoyan, Dean, Enrollment Services, International Student Programs, and Outreach; Christa Steiner, Evaluation Specialist; and Janet Weber, Counselor