2021 Districtwide Workshops


Thursday, September 16, 2021


Information on registering for the sessions was sent to all district employees by email, MyPortal message, and calendar invitation. Please contact Paula Norsell if you need assistance in finding the registration links. 
Time Workshop

9:00-10:00 a.m.

Disability Justice & Allyship

Equity Strand

We all have a role in creating a more accessible and equitable campus for all. Join this session to learn a generalist and equity-centered perspective on disabilities and disability justice that can be incorporated by anyone in our campus community.
Agenda: Disability 101, Disabled Student Development, Prevalent Narratives Around Disability, Disability Justice, Now What? Action & Better Practices.

Presenter:  Maritza Arreola, Student Activities Specialist

9:00-10:00 a.m.

COVID-19 Awareness

COVID Awareness Strand

Foothill College's Science Learning Institute and STEM Division hosted a four-part education series focused on the COVID-19 vaccine in spring 2021. This workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and get up-to-date answers regarding variants, boosters, FDA full approval of vaccines, etc.

Presenter:  Ram Subramaniam, STEM Dean, and Sara Cooper, Biology Instructor

9:00-10:00 a.m.

Professional Development for Classified Professionals

General Interest Strand

This workshop introduces the Professional Growth Award (PGA) application process and covers eligibility requirements, defines PGA activities, and covers frequently asked questions regarding the PGA process. We will also review Educational Assistance, Travel and Conference Funding, and Staff Development Leave (SDL) options available to classified professionals.  

Presenter:  Chris White, Association of Classified Employees President

9:00-10:00 a.m. 

Developing a Personal Professional Development Plan:  Strategies for Working Smarter Not Harder

General Interest Strand

This workshop is Kobe and Kondo inspired. Kobe Bryant's attention to detail, work ethic, love of the craft and Marie Kondo's approach to organization, tidyness, interrelational connection(s) and kindness. Through collaborative discourse and group activities, this session applies principles of neuroscience focusing on organization and archiving skills and learnings attaining during professional development workshops. The objective/outcome is for attendees to create their own Personal Professional Development Plan. 

Presenters:  Amy Shidler, Media Studies Instructor; Ché Meneses, Communication Studies Instructor; and Carolyn Holcroft, Faculty Professional Development Coordinator

9:00-11:05 a.m. (TWO HOUR WORKSHOP)

Safe Zone Project Training

Equity Strand

In this two-hour Safe-Zone Project training, participants will learn about the Queer community, examine their preconceived understanding, and develop the skills necessary for allyship and safe zone building. Upon successful completion participants will receive a safe zone sticker and handout for their office. Let’s all get trained and make Foothill-De Anza a safe space for our Queer community!!

Goals & Learning Outcomes

  • Participants will reflect upon their first impressions with LGBTQ+ people and identity and reflect upon how it has changed over their lifetime.
  • Participants will develop a foundational LGBTQ+ vocabulary and have a clearer understanding of the importance of language in relation to creating affirming environments for LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Participants will be able to separate myth from fact, and accurate information from hearsay, regarding popular misconceptions about LGBTQ+ people.
  • Participants will discuss a variety of privileges that the queer community (and other communities) have limited access to. Not just legal privileges but social, financial, etc., and to discuss how no one privilege is more important than another.
  • Participants will engage in real world situations that they may encounter in the future and think through and game plan the different ways to handle the situations.

Presenters:  Kerri Ryer, Political Sciences Instructor, and Jody Ryker, Mathematics Instructor

10:05-11:05 a.m.

The ABCs of De Anza Guided Pathways:  Access, Bridges, Connection

Guided Pathways Strand

Join us as we review the work that has been completed so far and as we share more about our Phase III initiatives:

  • Supporting institutions that frequently transfer students to De Anza
  • Gathering qualitative data from student groups
  • Envisioning and developing Villages
  • Instituting services and programs that enhance student support

Presenters and Panel Members:  The Guided Pathways Team

10:05-11:05 a.m.

Workplace Violence

General Interest Strand

Training will consist of recognizing behaviors, reporting concerns, confidentiality issues, who to report to, how to report, what to expect, what to do if something happens and different types of incidences (romantic, mental illness, anger, etc.).

Presenters:  Daniel Acosta, Chief of Police; Michele LeBleu-Burns, Student Development and EOPS Dean; and Leticia Maldonado, Student Affairs and Activities Dean

10:05-11:05 a.m.

OER Has Come a Long Way!

General Interest Strand

Open Educational Resources (OER) have evolved in the last five years. Join Mark Healy, Faculty OER Coordinator at De Anza, to hear about recently published free textbooks, available video and ancillary resources, and research on the impact of OER on equity goals.

Presenters:  Mark Healy, Psychology Instructor and Faculty OER Coordinator

10:05 a.m.-12:20 p.m. (TWO HOUR WORKSHOP)

Empathetic Interviewing Training

Equity Strand

In this two-hour session, attendees will learn about the fundamental differences between traditional interviews and ones conducted using Empathetic Listening techniques. Participants will learn about personalizing questions, intentionality of inclusion and techniques for listening deeply.

Presenter:  Bahia Overton


11:20 a.m.-12:20 p.m.


Foothill Meta Majors:  An Introduction to Career and Academic Pathways

Guided Pathways Strand

This workshop will display up to date efforts by the Foothill Guided Pathways Program Mapping and Meta Majors team, as well as outline planned next steps for the 2021-2022 academic year. Workshop participants will be introduced to the concept of Meta Majors, learn how other California Community Colleges have implemented the concept, have the opportunity to inform future Meta Majors related campus efforts, and learn how to get involved in Foothill’s Meta Majors work in shaping the career and academic pathways for its students. 

Presenters:  Natalie Latteri, Humanities Instructor; Amy Leonard, English Instructor; and Isaac Escoto, Counselor

11:20 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

Integrating Service Leadership across the Campus

General Interest Strand

Join the Foothill Research and Service Leadership Symposium (RSLS) team and the Service Leadership Workgroup in a workshop focused on integrating service leadership components into the classroom, course design, curriculum, programs, and pathways. This workshop will help faculty and staff identify existing service leadership activities and guide them through various methods of implementing or integrating them within their own discipline or service area. Focus will also be on strategic ways to increase, recognize, and certify or award student, faculty, and staff involvement.

Presenters:  Allison Herman, English Instructor; Mike McCusker, Physics Instructor; Benjamin Stefonik, Psychology Instructor; Laura Gamez, Equity Librarian; and Daphne Small, Student Activities Director

11:20 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

Punitive Probation is Passe:  Delivering Positive Retention Services

General Interest Strand

As Dean of Counseling and Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS), I wanted to switch the mindset of probation students as being “bad" or "blaming the student," to offering positive and supportive services, and intentionally reaching-out to students to check in with them on what challenges they are having in being successful. In this light, the Retention Services Team (Program Coordinator, Student Success Specialist, Counselors, and a specific Retention Counselor) was created at De Anza in the Counseling Division to focus on preventing students from being on probation in the first place with an Early Alert system, as well as assisting students currently on probation with ways to increase their GPA. 

Presenters:  Laureen Balducci, Dean of Counseling and Disability Support Programs and Services; Sushini Chand, Student Success Specialist; and Patricia Del Rio, Program Coordinator II

11:20 a.m.-12:20 p.m.

Outlook Add-ins That Improve Workflow

General Interest Strand

Explore add-ins that allow you to schedule and pre-time email reminders, poll participants for meeting times and organize easy templates in Outlook.

Presenter:  Heidi King, Instructional Designer

1:15-2:15 p.m.

Racial Justice and the Crisis of Democracy

Equity Strand

How can we all, in whatever place we work in the district, help ourselves and our students to better understand the nature of the multiple crises we face and how to address them?

Presenters:  Alicia Cortez, Equity and Engagement Dean; Alicia De Toro, Environmental Studies Instructor; Eugene Rodriguez, Art Instructor; Stephanie Anderson, Communication Studies Instructor; and Cynthia Kaufman, Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action Director

1:15-2:15 p.m.

Experiences of Trans and Non-Binary Students

Equity Strand

Understand the experience of LGBTQ+, specifically trans and gender non conforming students by hearing about their stories first hand. As participants, we ask you to do a deep self reflection on your presumption on gender identity and sexual orientation, and how your perspective shows in classrooms and your interactions with students. 

Presenter:  Adriana Garcia, Administrative Assistant

Moderator:  Saskia Latievarya, Instructional Assistant

Panelists/Speakers:  Alicia Mullens, Nan (Amanda Zachman), Brenda Carillo

1:15-2:15 p.m.

Unpacking from COVID - Supporting Student Success

COVID Awareness Strand

We have lived through lockdown and are emerging from a pandemic. We’ve been successful, but not unscathed. As we return to campus and bring with us our hopes, fears, and not a small amount of anxiety, let’s ask ourselves: How are we different? How are we better? Most importantly, how do we support our students, most of whom have suffered far more than us? Come and share your thoughts about how we can support each other, and especially our students, and help us all get back on track.

Non-judgmental, humor recommended, empathy required.

Presenter:  Robert Cormia, Chemistry Instructor

1:15-2:15 p.m.


Teaching Soft Skills in the Hard Sciences

General Interest Strand

Classrooms these days are occupied by the “Digital Natives,” students who were raised on technology from the time they knew the world around them. However, being digitally fluent and having specific scientific skills to survive the ever-growing demands of technological advances should not be all about turning humans into machines or computer geeks. Proficiency in the hard sciences do not guarantee communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills. These are epiphenomenal skills that develop while a student engages with their social environment. Enhancing cultural understandings and augmenting critical thinking skills will be the main focus of this session. The session is intended to build an understanding about the nuances of cross-cultural communication, learn to foster collaboration and prepare our ‘hard’ thinkers to think in a rational and morally responsible manner.

Presenters:  Mona Rawal, Humanities Instructor


1:15-2:15 p.m.


Essential Information for Part-Time Faculty

General Interest Strand

Learn information that part-time faculty need to thrive at Foothill-De Anza. Topics will include reemployment preference, health and retirement benefits, how to build community and get involved on campus, and who to ask for help. Meet part-time representatives from the Academic Senate and the Faculty Association, and give your input on how we can make Foothill and De Anza even better places for part-time faculty.

Presenter:  Ellen Judd, Physics Instructor

1:15-3:20 p.m. (TWO HOUR WORKSHOP)

Intro to Allyship and Antiracist Practices

Equity Strand

Open to everyone, this workshop is designed for individuals who self-identify as white in the district who want to know what it means to be an ally and who are looking for first or next steps in their own antiracist or equity work.  We will start by understanding “ally” as an active verb, and then work in small groups to begin to identify what fears or obstacles may be preventing you from getting more involved in this work and name some allying behaviors that feel doable to you.  The goal is NOT to make you feel bad about where you may or may not currently be in your journey, and it is NOT to certify you as an “ally” with a gold star.  The goal is to create a shared space and vocabulary that can lay the foundation of community for white allyship leading to transformative change in our colleges.

Presenter:  Cheryl Jaeger Balm, Mathematics Instructor and Academic Senate President

1:15-3:20 p.m. (TWO HOUR WORKSHOP)

Training for Hiring Committee Members

General Interest Strand

Our district has made a commitment to train all members of hiring committees to help committee members recognize and mitigate bias in the hiring process. In this session, participants will learn what adjustments we have made to our procedures, how our process is informed by research and what is expected of committee members.

Presenters:  Monica Garcia, Executive Assistant, and Keisha Sentosa, Human Resources Technician

2:20-3:20 p.m.

Foothill College Student COVID Reporting/Meet the Contact Tracing Team with Q&A

COVID Awareness Strand

Foothill College staff and faculty will be guided through the reporting process from the contact tracing team. Staff and faculty will be trained on how to submit a suspected COVID case to the team if a student confides in them, what the contact tracing team interviews are like, and more info on the app that permits students onto campus. Q&A will be available to help staff and faculty answer any protocol-related questions.

Presenters:  Rebecca Ryan, Health Instructor; Leticia Maldonado, Student Affairs & Activities Dean; Alan McClintick, Physician Assistant

2:20-3:20 p.m.

Don't Take the Phish Bait!

General Interest Strand

Join us to learn how to spot phishing campaigns and what you can do to protect yourself, your coworkers, and our students. Topics will include an overview of various types of phishing campaigns, how to spot them, what to do when you're not sure if it's a phish, and a shame-free space to learn what to do if you ever accidentally take the bait.

Presenter:  Kevin Metcalf, District Information Technology Supervisor


2:20-3:20 p.m.

Saving for Retirement with 403(b) and 457(b)

General Interest Strand

District Payroll brings awareness to our employees regarding Saving for Retirement with 403(b) and 457(b) plans during employment with the District. The District currently has nine available vendors in 403(b) Tax Shelter Annuities and three in 457(b) Deferred Compensations Plans.

Presenter:  Nancy Chao, Payroll Supervisor

2:20-3:20 p.m.

Bookstore Transition and New Textbook Adoption Process

General Interest Strand

This session will help faculty and Classified professionals involved in textbook adoption learn about our new process.

Presenters:  Matt Hanson, Follett Regional Manager, Sales and Operations; Ken Pegram, Follett Regional Manager, Sales and Operations

2:20-3:20 p.m.

Foothill Tenure Review Committee Member Training

General Interest Strand

This session will provide an overview of the tenure review process as outlined in Article 6A of the Agreement, as well as review the available campus resources and practices of effective Tenure Review Committees. Tenure Review training is required for all faculty and administrators who have not previously been trained. However, even those with previous training, who will be serving on a Tenure Review Committee beginning in Fall 2021, are strongly encouraged to attend.

Presenters:  Patricia Gibbs, Tenure Review Coordinator, and Nicole Gray, Faculty Association Grievance Officer