

Novel coronavirus

Current status – Foothill and De Anza colleges offer a combination of in-person, online and hybrid classes and student services for the convenience of students. Many classes are now being offered in person following a lengthy period of remote operations that began March 17, 2020. Most employees have returned to work in person, either full- or part-time. 

Vaccination and mask requirements COVID-19 vaccinations and up-to-date boosters are required for students, employees and others who come to campus or other district facilities in person. Medical and religious exemption information for employees is available through the Office of Human Resources and for students, through the colleges. Employee proof of vaccination for in-person participation can be uploaded using the PyraMED system following directions on the Office of Human Resources COVID-19 webpage. Information for students is available on campus COVID-19 pages listed below.

Face masks are strongly recommended on the campuses and district office buildings, and may be required in some offices or by individual instructors in their classrooms. The Santa Clara Public Health Department and the California Department of Public Health still strongly recommend that the public continue to wear masks in all indoor public spaces. This guidance applies to vendors, visitors, volunteers, and members of the public as well as to students and employees.

The resources below provide additional information. Regular messages providing updates to employees also appear below under "College updates and resources." 


On Aug. 2, 2021, the Board of Trustees adopted Interim Board Policy 3507 requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for those who access on-site campus or district programs or facilities starting either (1) the first day of the fall quarter 2021 (Sept. 15, 2021, for employees and Sept. 20, 2021, for students) or (2) when a COVID-19 vaccine receives full U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and is readily available, whichever event comes later. 


The following resources provide information about returning to campus and will help you stay informed about new developments as the COVID-19 situation evolves.

Reporting and testing
Employee COVID self-reporting form
Hosted at De Anza for use by all Foothill, De Anza and Central Services employees

Santa Clara County free COVID-19 testing sites
COVID-19 testing sites in California 

College updates and resources
Foothill COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines 
De Anza Rules for Coming to Campus 
COVID-19 Vaccine Education Series

Return to campus planning
Foothill College
De Anza College

District resources

Human Resources - COVID-19 guidance for employees
Ventilation and HVAC Frequently Asked Questions – Foothill-De Anza
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Foothill-De Anza
Educational Technology Services

CCC system updates and guidance 

California Community Colleges

Teaching & learning resources 
CVC-Online Education Initiative

Public health guidelines and updates

CDC Guide to Masks
California COVID-19 overview
California Department of Public Health
Santa Clara County Public Health
San Mateo County Health
Santa Cruz County Health Services 
San Francisco Public Health
San Benito County Health and Human Services 
Alameda County Public Health
Contra Costa County Public Health
Marin County Health and Human Services


Foothill-De Anza COVID-19 Prevention Plan (August 2021)
State Chancellor Eloy's Oakley reopening memo (June 11, 2021)
Mandated COVID-19 vaccinations in California community colleges (May 7, 2021)


Sept. 23, 2022
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner – Masking and COVID Testing Effective Sept. 26

Dear Colleagues:  

First, let me say that it was an absolute joy to have a chance to talk with so many of you during the opening day activities on both campuses!  

I understand from some of these discussions that you have questions about the district’s masking policy and whether it is being universally applied. I also heard that there is an intense interest in moving from our strict requirement of wearing masks in classrooms and public-facing offices to the more lenient Santa Clara County guidelines, which recommend, but do not require, face coverings indoors. 

Members of Chancellor’s Cabinet and some constituent group leaders also reported that participants in Thursday’s division and department meetings expressed a strong desire to make indoor masking optional effective September 26. 

Our earlier decision to proceed with an abundance of caution appears to be out of sync with a more general consensus that we follow the Santa Clara County guidelines. While we appreciate that individuals may still have concerns, given the urgency of timing, I am advising you that as of September 26, 2022, indoor masking will be optional. It is critical to note that a faculty member or manager may still choose to require face coverings in their respective classrooms or public-facing offices if they feel there is a particular need to do so.    

Additionally, as has been recommended by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health, we will no longer require testing for unvaccinated individuals before they come on campus. Our testing requirements for individuals who have contracted the COVID-19 virus remain the same. 

Finally, those of you who attended District Opening Day had a chance to watch the premiere of the first in a series of new career technical education videos produced by AMF Media and the Foothill-De Anza Foundation with state grant funding. I guarantee that you will find all five videos fabulous, inspiring, and worth watching and sharing. Click HERE for a link to the playlist.

With best wishes for the new academic year, 

July 16, 2022
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner – Current Plans for Fall 2022

Dear Colleagues, 

Graduation came and went like a flash, and it was wonderful to see so many of you celebrating our students’ accomplishments.  Thank you for all you did to make their dreams a reality! 

Fall 2022 is fast approaching and is an important quarter for bringing more students back to campus.  I’d like to provide some information about our expectations for an increased on-campus presence. 

Our plan is to continue to increase on-site presence as we move through the next academic year.  The exact implementation details will be determined in consultation with managers and supervisors, based on the nature of each position and operational impacts to departments and offices.  For the preponderance of positions that can accommodate some portion of remote work as authorized by your manager, the expectation is a majority of an employee’s time will be spent on-campus as we look to increase the vibrancy on campus for students, employees, and the larger community in Fall 2022.  Please note, this does not apply to those positions where the duties must be performed in person, e.g., police, maintenance, custodians, on-site support technicians, et al.  College Presidents and Vice Chancellors will provide additional clarity and discretion with respect to specific operational needs. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires an interactive dialogue and meeting with the employee, Human Resources, and the supervisor to determine what specific and reasonable accommodation is needed by the employee and if it can be done without an undue economic hardship on the District/College.  If you are seeking a medical accommodation to work 100% remotely, please contact Human Resources for detailed information on the documentation and processes required for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act; a doctor’s note stating that you are not able to physically work on site will not be sufficient. 

Opening day activities for the district will be held on September 21 and for the colleges on September 22 and 23.  The activities for all three days will be fully in person.  At this time, we do not anticipate a remote option, but will continue to monitor public health guidance and adjust if necessary.  After almost two and a half years of dealing with pandemic restrictions, we are very much looking forward to the opportunity to rebuild our connections and make new ones! 

The masking requirement will be reviewed after August 5.  I will invite members of the Consultation Task Force (union and senate leadership of faculty and classified professionals; student body presidents, and senior administrators) to offer their perspectives on Santa Clara County trends and guidelines at that time. 

Wishing you a healthy and happy summer, 

May 24, 2022
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner – Revisions to AP 3507 

Dear Colleagues, 

I was not present for the Chancellor’s Advisory Council meeting of May 20, 2022, but have been told that opinions were highly divided regarding the removal of our indoor masking requirement in the near future, and that I was asked to make a final decision.  

In light of the surge in cases of the latest omicron variant, I am revising the following language of AP 3507 to reflect and continue our practice that began in Spring 2022: 

Face coverings are required in all indoor settings except as specified in federal, state, and local public health agency guidelines indoors for classes and public-facing services. Face coverings are highly recommended and may be required by staff in outdoor settings where social distancing cannot be maintained. The district's requirements regarding face coverings will follow the guidelines of federal, state, and local public health agencies, which may be relaxed or strengthened from time to time. In the event that the directives of federal, state, and local governing public health agencies differ, the District will comply with the most stringent or restrictive mandate or practice

Because commencement at both Foothill and De Anza will be outdoors, masking will be optional but highly recommended.  This guidance applies to all the other end-of-year events that are planned for outdoor settings. 

Indoor masking as described above continues to be required for Summer 2022.  Concerns have been expressed that students should have been notified in the course schedule footnotes.  While that would have been helpful, it would have been essential had we changed our administrative procedures which we have not done. 

I also heard concerns that we say we are following the county directives, but the county is not requiring masking.  Please note that I have added “or practice” to AP 3507 language to account for our following predominant practices of various organizations or businesses such as the performing arts, healthcare services, etc. 

We deeply wish that we could predict when we would have more or better information to announce future changes in policies and procedures.  At the moment, our one certainty is that there will be uncertainty.  Thank you for your patience!  

Looking forward to celebrating our students’ accomplishments, 

May 5, 2022
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner - Indoor Masking Requirement Update

Dear Colleagues, 

At our March meeting, the Consultation Task Force asked me to provide updated guidance in May about our indoor masking requirement. Thank you to task force members who recently surveyed their constituents regarding potential changes to the current face mask requirement. It was helpful to learn that there is a wide diversity of opinion about how we should proceed for the remainder of spring quarter. 

The Chancellor’s Advisory Council (CAC) will meet on Friday, May 20, and I will ask them to approve one of the following changes to AP 3507 COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement.  

Indoor masking will become optional as of: 

A)    May 31, following Memorial Day 

B)    June 24, Graduation Day 

The CAC’s May 20 agenda will provide a summary of the survey results that were submitted by the Faculty Association, California School Employees Association, Association of Classified Employees, Administrative Management Association, De Anza Student Services, and the De Anza, Foothill, and Central Services classified senates. 

As we continue to move toward a “new normal” for in-person activities, I want to share how uplifting it has been to attend recent major gatherings such as Foothill’s Day on the Hill and De Anza’s Enrollment Day where more than 650 and 800 participants, respectively, remind us of the opportunities to regain on-campus vibrancy that we have lacked for more than two years. I can only imagine how many community members we will see at the reopening of De Anza’s Flea Market on May 7! 

Thank you for your unparalleled resilience on behalf of our students and each other! 

Warmest regards, 

March 19, 2022
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner – Spring 2022 Update

Dear Colleagues, 

As we look toward spring – and the many joys that quarter always brings – I know that discussions are well underway about increasing the numbers of on-campus classes for fall. I would also like to share with you an update and our expectation that more employees will be returning at the beginning of spring quarter to serve students on campus and support college and district operations. 

The proportion of on-campus to remote work may vary for different areas even as the overall availability of on-campus employees to serve students will increase significantly starting April 6. Under the direction of the presidents and vice chancellors, individual managers will be providing more specific guidance to their employees, within existing parameters of collective bargaining agreements, to ensure the most appropriate arrangements for best serving our students and district. Additionally, the Offices of Instruction at each college will have answers to frequently asked questions by faculty with instructional and noninstructional assignments. 

In the spirit of revitalizing our on-campus environments, student-facing offices should provide regular in-person services during posted hours. Supporting our students during a time of such profound change in workforce norms also means that a one-size-fits-all approach to employee and office schedules will not be the most effective way to serve our students. Managers will work with employees to ensure that student needs are met, including through an increased on-campus presence. At the same time, we understand the need based on student demand, that online classes and services will continue as well.  For specific questions or concerns regarding individual work schedules, please contact your manager.  

As a reminder, beginning April 6, we are requiring booster shots for students and employees who will be on campus. Weekly testing will be required for those eligible for the booster who do not provide proof of having received the shot.  

Many thanks to the Consultation Task Force which provided excellent advice regarding masking. While the county strongly recommends masking indoors, the district will continue to require the wearing of face masks indoors for classes and public-facing services through May 6. I will let you know by May 4 whether this will continue. Remembering the Omicron surge that impacted us in January, we want time to monitor and respond to developments that could occur after spring break.  

As you were notified earlier, we will require masking for the professional development presentations on the morning of April 4 in the Smithwick Theatre. 

Many thanks for your patience and resilience as we approach the coming months with a readiness to adapt as may be necessary. I so look forward to seeing you during spring quarter! 

Warmest regards, 

March 1, 2022
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner – Update on Indoor Masking, Part 2

Dear Colleagues, 

Today, the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department announced that all masking metrics have been met and therefore indoor masking will no longer be required beginning March 2. However, the Public Health Department and the California Department of Public Health strongly recommend that the public continue to wear masks in all indoor public spaces.  We support that recommendation.

While we have followed County guidance without modification thus far, we recognize that some students and employees may have returned to campus with the expectation that masking would be required throughout the quarter. Therefore, we will continue requiring indoor masking in classrooms and offices that interact with the public until March 25.  Absent other considerations, we plan on strongly recommending indoor masking as of April 4, the beginning of spring quarter.  We will revisit AP 3507 COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement to update the provisions on masking as may be appropriate at that time. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate these volatile times, 

Feb. 27, 2022
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner – Update on Indoor Masking

Dear Colleagues,

We are monitoring guidance from the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department regarding the possible lifting of the universal indoor mask requirement on March 2, 2022.  Dr. Cody has reported that COVID-19 hospitalizations are low and stable, and she finds the steady downward trend in cases very encouraging.  

County of Santa Clara Public Health Officials Announce 7-Day Rolling Average For New COVID-19 Cases Under 550 - Emergency Operations Center - County of Santa Clara

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 24, 2022 Universal Indoor Mask Requirement Expected to Transition to a Recommendation on March 2; State Indoor Masking Requirements Still Apply for Unvaccinated Individuals and in Certain Settings Regardless of Vaccination Status

Should this downward trend continue, I look forward to sharing good news within the next 72 hours!

Warmest regards,

Feb. 16, 2022
Message from Chancellor Judy Miner regarding the district's updated COVID-19 vaccination requirement 

Dear Colleagues, 

Attached is the revised version of AP 3507 COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement that was approved by Chancellor’s Advisory Council on February 11, 2022.  Please note the opening sentence:  

The new requirement for a booster will be effective April 6, 2022, the first day of spring quarter classes.  Students will not be prevented from registering if they have not yet updated their vaccination records, but their records will be reviewed for compliance after April 6. 

Many thanks to the members of Chancellor’s Advisory Council for their thoughtful deliberation and excellent revisions to the Administrative Procedures.  Here’s wishing all of us a return to more numerous and frequent in-person gatherings! 

Warmest regards, 

Feb.10, 2022
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner about masking requirements

Dear Colleagues,

Please be aware that Foothill-De Anza will continue to follow Santa Clara County guidelines that require indoor masking. The County will base decisions on whether and when to lift indoor masking requirements on the risks posed by COVID-19, using clearly defined metrics related to vaccination, hospitalizations, and COVID-19 case rates:

The state will be lifting its universal indoor masking requirement on February 16. However, state health orders will continue to require universal indoor masking in many settings after February 16, including all K-12 schools, childcare facilities, public transit, healthcare facilities, shelters, jails, and long-term care facilities.

Thank you for all you do to mitigate risk in our communities!

Wishing you a happy and healthy Year of the Tiger,

Jan. 26, 2022
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner to all employees on new COVID guidelines and expectations

Dear Colleagues,  

Let me begin by thanking Rosafel Nogra, director of Health Services at De Anza, who provided invaluable assistance in developing the latest districtwide COVID-19 guidelines. The practices mentioned in this message are consistent with the most current guidance from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, California Department of Public Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American College Health Association. 


Going forward, we will use a new self-reporting form developed at De Anza for ALL employees to self-report whenever they: 

  • Test positive for COVID-19  
  • Experience COVID-19 symptoms 
  • Have possible COVID-19 exposure through close contact  

Employees should self-report whether they are working on campus or working remotely. 

You can find the employee self-reporting form at

Even though the form is housed on the De Anza website, all Foothill and Central Services employees are expected to use it. Many thanks to De Anza’s Health Services and Communications Office teams for developing a process that is easy to follow! 


The colleges will continue to have their own separate processes for student self-reporting and for faculty and staff to report on students who have symptoms, test positive or who were exposed through close contact. Information about those processes is available on the college websites. 


Employees with COVID-19 symptoms should stay home and get tested.The link below will take you to a De Anza webpage where you can find excellent explanations of what to do in in terms of self-isolation and testing if you:  

  • Have symptoms 
  • Test positive 
  • Were exposed   

Testing and Isolation Protocols:


The district Office of Human Resources has limited supplies of free antigen home-test kits and is working to increase supplies available to employees. Currently, HR is making the test kits available only to employees with approved medical and religious exemptions on file; those who have been exposed to COVID-19 on the job; and employees exposed off-site who need clearance to work on-site.  

Home test kits are becoming more readily available in the community, and I encourage you to explore the following offers as long as they are available:

  • Santa Clara County free at-home tests available for pickup for those who live, work, or attend school in Santa Clara County: The county webpage may say, "All the COVID-19 antigen test pick-up appointments are fully booked. We apologize for the inconvenience." However, we expect that more appointments will be added, so do check back until such time as the program comes to an end.

Testing sites can be found using these resources:

The district and colleges also are working to secure on-site PCR testing through a vendor, and information about this will be shared as soon as it becomes available. 


Consistent with guidance from the American College Health Association, the district recommends the use of N95, KN95, or ASTM-rated surgical masks for students and employees. The district currently has a supply of N95 masks on hand and is working to ensure continuing adequate supplies of N95 and KN95 masks for students and employees. Central Services employees may obtain masks from Human Resources and college employees should check their respective websites for availability.

According to the CDC, the most protective mask is one that covers both the nose and mouth and fits tightly. When N95, KN95, and surgical masks aren’t available or don’t provide an adequately tight fit, double masking as described in CDC guidance is the next best option. Ideally, masks should be replaced after four hours of wear. 

Foothill-De Anza requires properly worn face masks indoors and recommends them for outdoor gatherings on district property. 


The district is considering requiring students and employees to have booster shots to be on campus as of April 6, 2022The Chancellor’s Advisory Council (CAC) will consider this change to the administrative procedures at its Feb. 11 meeting. Whether or not we require the booster as of spring quarter, I urge everyone who is eligible to get boosted. 


This dashboard shows that the number of coronavirus cases and deaths in Santa Clara County is finally beginning to decline: 

Therefore, we look forward to classes and student services that are scheduled on-campus for the winter quarter to resume or continue on-campus as of Jan. 31. If you have questions or concerns, please speak with your supervisor.  

One thing we have learned from the past two years is that we must be constantly vigilant and ready to adapt to new circumstances. I wish this message could be the last word on all things COVID, but some epidemiologists assert that COVID has moved from pandemic to endemic and will be with us for some time to come.  

Many, many thanks for your patience amid uncertainty, your kindness amid fatigue, and your unfailing ingenuity amid a volatile landscape.

With appreciation and gratitude,

Jan. 21, 2022
Message to all employees from Myisha Washington, interim vice chancellor, Human Resources/EO

Dear Colleagues,  

Already into the third week of 2022 and the Omicron variant has made its presence known - affecting many of our staff, faculty, and students - adding additional stressors to our lives and causing all of us to temporarily pivot and re-adjust our home and work lives once again.   

The District continues to strive to keep all employees safe while working and is especially attentive to these concerns during this pandemic.  We will continue to follow the COVID-19 guidance of the Santa Clara County Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control CDC, as well as any requirements and standards of CalOSHA.   

Despite following all of the safety protocols, this variant is highly contagious and continuing to spread.  Therefore, we are asking employee’s cooperation in the following areas:  

  1. Whether you are working on campus or working remotely from your home or other location, please continue to follow the prescribed preventive measures including:  

    – social distancing protocols, 
    – washing your hands frequently, 
    – wearing an N95 or KN95 mask or double surgical mask face covering when away from your home, around others who are not members of your household, or caring for someone who may be experiencing symptoms.   

  2. If you are experiencing COVID19 related symptoms, have tested positive for COVID19 or been in close contact with a person who has tested positive, even if you are working remotely: 

    – Please report it as soon as possible to your supervisor/manager AND Elizabeth Folck in Human Resources (  This helps us to track and report exposures in a timely manner.  
    – Test results should be uploaded into the PyraMed system, via MyPortal, and a negative test result will be required to get clearance to return to campus
    – The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) has been extended to June 30, 2022.  Guidelines and leave forms can be found under the FFCRA section of our District HR Covid website. 
    –Students should report their exposures to their respective campus Student Health Center at Foothill or De Anza. The Student Health Centers will alert Elizabeth in HR in the event an employee was exposed and should be notified. 

  3. FREE Testing Kits:

    – Foothill College will host one of four Santa Clara County COVID-19 Antigen-test distribution sites from Saturday, January 22 until Saturday, January 29th from 1-8 PM each day.  If you would like FREE COVID-19 antigen tests for you and your family, please register at before picking up your tests. Pre-registration is required - no drop ins
    – District HR is offering a free test kit to employees that need or want one.  Please contact Elizabeth Folck ( to request a test kit from District HR. 
    – Also, you can order 4 test kits, free of charge, through

  4. In the event of potential exposure, we want to be able to notify you as quickly as possible. Therefore, please ensure your home contact information is current by updating your information via MyPortal and by clicking the “My Profile” link (located under the FHDA logo, on the left-hand side).  

  5. We know that this pandemic has been stressful, frustrating and challenging - mentally and physically.  Our Employee Assistance Program(EAP) is available to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at (866) 248-4105.  Access code: 61570.  They will ask to confirm your account.  The account can be found under “De Anza”. 

  6. Please refer to our District HR Covid website for the most up-to-date information and forms. 

As the cases of Omicron continue to remain high, campus Health Centers and District HR are working as fast as we can to notify people.  Your patience with us and one another is much appreciated.   

Stay safe - we will get through this together! 


Myisha Washington, Interim Vice Chancellor, Human Resources/EO 

Jan. 4, 2022
Message to all employees from district Chancellor Judy Miner

Dear Colleagues, 

In light of the growing Omicron cases and having heard from both employees and students about concerns regarding onsite classes and services, I am writing with this quick update. For those of you who have any concerns about being onsite, please reach out to your respective managers to discuss possible options available to you to do remote or hybrid work through January 28.  

Additionally, we are finalizing protocols and procedures for on-campus Covid testing for students and employees and will have specific directions for you within the next few days.

Many thanks to the 33 attendees at today's Consultation Task Force for the excellent discussion and suggestions for flexible approaches in meeting the diverse needs of our students and employees at this time!

Warmest regards,

Dec. 31, 2021
Message to all employees from district Chancellor Judy Miner

Dear Colleagues, 

I hope your holiday season was memorable and filled with opportunities to enjoy moments that you just could not find time to schedule earlier!   

As of January 3, we will offer our in-person classes and services as currently scheduled for winter quarter since our offerings reflect a moderate increase over fall quarter.  We continue to follow guidelines for Santa Clara County which have served us well throughout the pandemic.   

The latest Order of the Health Officer of Santa Clara County was issued December 28, 2021, and expands the State Health Officer Orders for individuals in higher-risk settings: 

The inclusion of clinics in the December 28 order means that we must require boosters of all students and employees working in the Dental Hygiene Clinic at Foothill. 

Prior to the end of fall quarter, Chancellor’s Cabinet proposed no changes to our interim Vaccination Policy which will be reviewed by the Chancellor’s Advisory Council on January 14, 2022.  Given the following excerpt from the aforementioned Order, we will recommend that boosters be required by a date to be determined during winter quarter. 

“B. However, initial evidence also shows that individuals who have received a booster shot increase their immunity to a level that confers more protection from all circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants, including the Omicron variant. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) now recommend that all eligible persons receive a booster shot because immunity wanes several months after completion of the initial vaccine series.”   

On-campus COVID testing for students and employees will be available when the kits arrive, anticipated to be in early January.  We are aware that testing has increased dramatically resulting in high demand and short supply.  More information will be forthcoming shortly from the colleges and Human Resources, including the criteria for who gets tested, e.g., on-campus exposure or Santa Clara County Department of Public Health guidance. For the most updated information, please visit the Human Resources COVID-19 Employee Information and Resources page: 

Although we have yet to start winter quarter, questions have already arisen regarding spring.  We will continue to be vigilant in monitoring and following county requirements. I am confident that we can make good decisions based on available data at the times we need to act. 

I look forward to seeing many of you who will be on campus in the coming weeks, and I also look forward to resuming my open office hour (OOH) on Zoom on January 12!  I feel incredibly fortunate and privileged to be part of a community that works so conscientiously to mitigate risks for students and employees by engaging in constructive behaviors.  We have a high vaccination rate, masking requirements are followed, good judgment is exercised for voluntary social distancing, and self-isolation has stemmed from an abundance of caution.  Thank you for everything you do to keep yourself and everyone around you safe!  

Let me close by reminding us that, as a district, we will not be immune from the disruptions and shortfalls in services that have burdened the world.  I hope we will be role models of patience and kindness since we are highly adept at rising above the fray.  

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2022, 

Dec. 7, 2021
Message to all employees from district Chancellor Judy Miner.

Dear Colleagues, 

What a treat to see more than 100 people at the town hall about emerging from the pandemic hosted by De Anza on December 3!  Many thanks to everyone who attended, including our trustees Patrick Ahrens, Laura Casa, Pearl Cheng, Peter Landsberger, and Gilbert Wong.   

A special shout goes out to all those who managed many logistics on short notice: Becky Bartindale, Edwin Carungay, Juan Diaz, Amy Edwards, Karen Franco, Patrick Gannon, Pippa Gibson, Marty Kahn, Heidi King, Carla Maitland, Rob Mieso, Paula Norsell, Simon Pennington, Iman Seale, Tim Shively, Marisa Spatafore, and Chris Winn. We appreciate the land acknowledgment by Edmundo Norte and opening comments by Bernadine Fong, Lloyd Holmes, and Peter Landsberger.  Our panelists were the highlight of the morning, so kudos to students Joshua Contreras, Catherine Le, Edgar Ramos, Quang Truong and colleagues Maritza Arreola, Chesa Caparas, Derrick Felton, Janie Garcia, Ellen Judd, and Scott Olsen.  

You can watch a video recording of the town hall on the district’s YouTube channel to learn about the panelists' experiences returning to campus and hear the Q&A at 

Return to Campus Guidance 

As noted at the town hall, our goal is to continue expanding on-site instruction and services to the degree permitted by public health advice. To that end, what follows is districtwide guidance for increasing in-person operations at Foothill, De Anza, and Central Services in winter and spring 2022, unless mandates related to COVID-19 restrictions change significantly.  We are closely monitoring guidance regarding the omicron variant and will keep you informed as to any impact on district operations. 

There is no expectation that one approach will work in perpetuity in any given department. Individual administrators have discretion in determining how best to staff their areas, but I ask them to make their decisions in consultation with faculty and staff. Student needs should be paramount in these discussions, with employee needs taken into account wherever possible. 

Winter 2022 

As permitted by public health guidelines, more of the colleges’ programs and services will return to campus. This includes but is not limited to: 

  • Lecture classes, depending on size and facilities capacity 
  • Library services 
  • Adaptive physical education  
  • Dining services 

Spring 2022 

As permitted by public health guidelines, college classes and services will be fully operational  on-campus, with any necessary remaining modifications. 

During this phase, lessons learned during the pandemic should inform all decisions and planning, and an equity focus should continue to underpin all decisions. To that end, we must keep in mind that online courses provide additional flexibility and options for students, as does the continuation of selected online student services.

It is important to note that plans for spring 2022 will be adjusted as needed to respond to any unanticipated circumstances. However, both colleges aim to offer a class schedule that includes at least 80-85% of their sections in person compared to spring 2019.   

The basis of the 80-85% calculation is the percentage of in-person classes at the colleges in spring 2019:  Foothill was 49% and De Anza was 79%.  The 80-85% figure is a general goal for the colleges, not for individual faculty members, departments, or divisions. However, what will be equally important is that our offerings ensure that our students can meet their general education requirements in person as well as online. 

Non-instructional departments at Foothill, De Anza and Central Services will evaluate their operations as more staff members return to campus for more days beginning in winter 2022. Whether people are working remotely or in person, we are committed to providing service Monday through Friday with consistent and predictable hours posted on websites and included in office phone messages. 

Recent attempts to develop a board policy and administrative procedures for remote work revealed the difficulties of establishing a uniform approach to all employees and all work assignments.  Additionally, some recommendations appeared more appropriately addressed in contract negotiations, so administration will follow up accordingly and postpone policy development. 

In the meantime, I ask all administrators to consider the following impacts in developing both remote and in-person class schedules and office hours:  

  • Student access 
  • Quality of instruction and services 
  • Equitable workloads 
  • Participation in committees 
  • Professional development 
  • Team building 

Given our very low number of workplace exposures to date and the availability of equally effective alternative methods for conducting contact tracing, we are discontinuing use of the OptimumHQ app for health status reporting and activity logging. At Foothill, we will also discontinue use of the Modolabs student mobile app for health status reporting only. All other functions of the student mobile app will remain active at both colleges.   

The district will continue with contact tracing using the methods that were in place before implementation of the OptimumHQ app. These safety measures have worked well and include protocols outlined in the Employee Protocol - Health Checks: Authorization for Onsite Access to District Property and the COVID-19 Response Team document. The latter is a step-by-step chart used for notification of exposures and reporting of COVID positive or symptomatic employees, students, contractors, vendors, and volunteers. These resources have been used consistently by the Human Resources Office and will continue to be updated as needed. You can find this information and more on the HR COVID-19 Employee Information and Resources page a 

A number of people have asked about the possibility of offering onsite COVID-19 testing. To date, we have had fewer than 20 people who have requested and received an approved exemption to the district’s vaccine mandate. As more people begin returning to campus, we will be looking at how to handle onsite testing for exempted employees as well as for any employees who are part of an onsite workplace exposure, beginning in the winter quarter. Additional information about this will be distributed districtwide and made available on the HR COVID-19 Employee Information and Resources page.

The district is voluntarily extending the federal provisions for the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFRCA) for all employees through June 30, 2022. Please be advised that while the FFCRA leave provision will end at that time, employees may still be entitled to leave under their respective collective bargaining agreement using Family and Medical Leave Act, unpaid leave, etc.  

Finally, there have been many questions and concerns regarding our HVAC systems. While there are no specific HVAC mandates from the Santa Clara County Department of Public Health, the department has provided recommendations in the form of guidance, which we are following to every extent possible. Please see the following websites for district and county HVAC information:  

I’d like to close by thanking the members of the Consultation Task Force who have provided excellent advice as we collectively navigate a myriad of uncertainties.  What is certain is that Foothill-De Anza will emerge from the pandemic better prepared to meet the needs of current and future students because of your thoughtfulness, intentionality, and dedication.  It is truly a privilege and pleasure to work with you. 

With best wishes for the holiday season and new year,

Dec. 1, 2021
Message to all employees from district Interim Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Equal Opportunity Myisha Washington.

Dear Colleagues,        

Beginning winter quarter (January 3, 2022), Foothill College, De Anza College, and Central Services will implement the next phase of their return-to-campus (RTC) plans that will include a combination of online and in-person classes and services. As you are aware and in preparation for RTC, District AP/BP 3507 requires all employees and students provide proof of a Covid vaccination or medical and/or religious exemption.   

If you are a new employee and already uploaded your medical exemption, no further action is required on your part.  Elizabeth Folck ( from Human Resources will be contacting you to verify that your information has been received and you are in compliance. 

If you are an employee and have not yet uploaded your vaccination status or medical exemption request into the PyraMed platformwe ask that you do so no later than Friday, December 10, to ensure you obtain verification from Human Resources prior to the start of Winter quarter on January 3, 2022.  CLICK HERE FOR UPLOAD INSTRUCTIONS.  Failure to comply with AP/BP 3507 can result in a loss of assignment and/or disciplinary action.  PLEASE NOTEReligious exemption requests should still be sent directly to Myisha Washington via email (   

COVID Boosters – On November 29, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated agency guidance to advise that anyone over age 18 should receive a COVID-19 booster shot. The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department also recommends all eligible members of the public who live or work in Santa Clara County receive a COVID-19 booster shot. The booster is appropriate for everyone ages 18 and older six months following the last Pfizer or Moderna vaccination, or two months following the Johnson & Johnson vaccination. Booster shots are NOT currently required; however, the District highly encourages employees to receive them based on CDC and County Health Department guidance.   

As a reminder, for the safety of all employees the wearing of face masks is required at all times while indoors.   

For additional information relating to COVID-19 Employee Information and Resources, please go to:       
Myisha Washington  
Interim Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Equal Opportunity 


Sept. 14, 2021
Message to all employees from district Interim Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Equal Opportunity Myisha Washington 

Dear Colleagues,     

Per Chancellor Miner's August 27 email, the PyraMed platform is now active for employees to upload verification of Covid-19 vaccination and/or medical exemption requests. PLEASE NOTE: Religious exemption requests should be sent directly to   

Instructions for uploading your information are attached. As a reminder, all Foothill-De Anza employees working or coming to campus must be vaccinated by September 15. 

For the safety of all employees and to assist in contract tracing should an employee potentially be exposed, we are asking for all employees to complete a two-step check in process.  This two-step process should be completed every day you plan to come to campus.   

  • Prior to your arrival on campus, please log into the OptimumHQ Health Alert application ( and complete the three question health survey prior to your arrival on campus. Upon submission, you will immediately receive a badge clearance, via your cell phone.   
  • This green badge clearance will be used to access the QR codes at various locations and building entrances throughout the district during your time on campus.  This second check-in process will assist the district with contact-tracing should there be a COVID-19 workplace exposure.   
  • If you receive a red badge – do not come to campus. The OptimumHQ system will notify your supervisor that you do not have clearance to come to campus. 

We appreciate and thank you for your continued commitment and patience as we continue to navigate these uncharted territories.  

For additional information and resources on the OptimumHQ application, please visit the ETS website at:   For additional information relating to COVID-19 COVID-19 Employee Information and Resources, please go to:  

Myisha Washington 
Interim Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Equal Opportunity 

Aug. 27, 2021
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner to all employees

Dear Colleagues, 

I’d like to provide an update on a number of logistical issues that we have addressed to implement Board Policy 3507 on mandated vaccinations for students and employees.  As a reminder, all Foothill-De Anza employees working on campus, must be vaccinated by September 15.  Students will be notified of their deadlines by the colleges. 


Thanks to accelerated efforts by Educational Technology Services (ETS), the PyraMed platform for uploading verification of vaccination and exemptions will be available to all students and employees on or about September 3 and we will send instructions at that time.  De Anza students currently have access as that has been their medical records system for the past year. 

Additionally, ETS is developing a program to cross-check on-campus enrollments with vaccination status. This approach will allow us to identify students who are not in compliance with the mandate while also protecting their privacy.   


Employees requesting exemptions for medical or religious reasons can find forms and instructions here:

Medical exemption requests will be reviewed by our colleges’ health services professionals and accommodations will follow our established processes for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  

Religious exemption requests will be reviewed by Chancellor’s Cabinet and supervising administrators will be consulted regarding possible workplace accommodations.    

Workload permitting, we aim to respond to requests within three business days of receiving forms that are complete. 


Throughout the district, signs will be posted indicating that we require masks indoors regardless of vaccination status and recommend wearing masks at large outdoor gatherings.  Additional guidance will be forthcoming for individuals who perform work on district sites but are not employees of the District 


Knowing that we are venturing into new territory, Chancellor’s Advisory Council will assess the strengths and areas for improvement in our processes before the end of fall quarter, and our Board of Trustees will revisit BP 3507 at its meeting of January 10, 2022. 

Thank you for your patience and assistance as we attempt to address a wide range of needs and desires.  The stress level is high for everyone so I hope we can be kind and supportive of each other.  I’d love to hear from you about a moment you felt appreciated by one of our colleagues and if I might share that at my open office hour on September 8. 

Be well, 

Aug. 18, 2021
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner to all employees

Dear Colleagues, 

I’m writing to report on recent developments related to mandatory vaccination and verification for students and employees.  

Let me begin by thanking the Consultation Task Force for its advice regarding implementation of the proposed interim mandatory vaccination policy. This requires all employees and students who come to campus to be fully vaccinated by Sept. 15 for employees and Sept. 20 for students, since we expect the Food and Drug Administration to fully approve a vaccine within the next few weeks.  Recent surges in the delta variant and the appearance of the lambda in California compel us to take as many measures as possible to mitigate health risks to our students and employees.  We will also provide you with information regarding surveillance testing as soon as we finalize the details. 

For the past year, De Anza Health Services has successfully used a secure online health portal, PyraMED Health Services, for students to request appointments, view clinic records and, for international students, to upload vaccination records, among other services. PyraMED provides health, counseling, wellness, and accommodation software to colleges and universities across the country.  De Anza reports that it is convenient to use, meets all medical privacy requirements, and integrates well with Banner. 

Rather than having ETS develop a system de novo, we now plan to expand De Anza’s PyraMED license and use this system for all employees and students throughout the district who come to campus.  Individuals will upload their proof of COVID-19 vaccination and PyraMED can interface with the California Immunization Registry (CAIR) for verification of vaccination records. We have high confidence in this system as it has already detected fraudulent vaccination records. We will update you about the process for using PyraMED as we work out the details.  

We also have decided that effective immediately, all of our student athletes will need to show proof of vaccination to practice for and compete in intercollegiate gamesWe are taking this step in good conscience and out of an abundance of caution to protect our students.  We are encouraging everyone, regardless of vaccination status, to wear masks outdoors when social distancing isn't possible, for the safety of themselves and others. But athletes cannot wear masks during practice and games, where they may be playing against others who are not vaccinated. 

Please join me in thanking De Anza President Lloyd Holmes and Rosafel Nogra, De Anza Health Services clinic director, for helping us find a good solution with PyraMED. For those still in need of a COVID-19 vaccination, De Anza is hosting a clinic on campus on Aug. 31 from noon to 7 p.m. Watch the college web site for details. Rosafel will attend my office hour on Sept. 8 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. to answer questions about PyraMED. 

I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all of you for being steadfast in service to our district amidst the torturous impact of the pandemic on our personal and professional lives.  Thank you for your individual efforts to protect yourselves, your loved ones, and the lives of those whose names you will never know.   

In gratitude for the privilege of working with you, 

Aug. 8, 2021
Message from district Vice Chancellor Susan Cheu to all employees

Dear Colleagues, 

Chancellor Miner is taking a well-deserved vacation and requested that I follow up on some of the concerns that were brought up Tuesday at a meeting of the Consultation Task Force, which includes shared governance, union and senior administration leaders. We will provide more detailed information in future communications but wanted to address the following recommendations as soon as possible. 

Proof of vaccination 

Consultation Task Force members expressed interest in requiring proof of vaccination in addition to implementing a self-reporting process to minimize risk for employees and students. Vice Chancellor Joe Moreau is researching the possibility of adding a self-reporting mechanism in MyPortal that would also allow for the uploading of documentation. He is confident this process will work, but if not, other options will be investigated. 

For on-campus participation, implement vaccination mandate on Sept. 15 for employees and Sept. 20 for students regardless of FDA approval 

The University of California and California State University systems are both requiring vaccinations for fall regardless of Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval. In keeping with the participatory governance process, the Chancellor's Advisory Council (CAC) will be polled to determine if there is support for moving forward with a vaccination mandate in advance of FDA approval. If the CAC agrees and the Board of Trustees approves this change in our existing interim vaccination policy at the Sept. 13 board meeting, then employees and students would be expected to be vaccinated according to the proposed timeline, and consequences for not following the mandate would be enforced. 

It's important to note that the vaccination mandate would be applicable to employees and students who are physically coming on campus or other district-controlled facilities. Employees who have a health or religious reason can receive exemptions. Individuals with other significant reasons for not being vaccinated that do not fall into the health or religious exemptions would be handled on a case-by-case basis. 

Use of signage

It's important to ensure that our requirements and expectations regarding safety protocols are clearly and consistently communicated throughout the district. To that end, both campus marketing departments and the district are coordinating to develop signage for use in classrooms and offices across the district. 

Air quality standards 

On a slightly different health related note, weather forecasters are predicting that smoke from the devastating wildfires may be arriving in the Bay Area starting this weekend. Staff are currently working on an air quality plan, but in the interim I wanted to provide the following guidance that will be used if we start to experience air quality issues. Please note we will base our determination on the anticipated Air Quality Index (AQI) scale as posted on AirNow at 

  • AQI of 101-150: Any employee groups that work outside, such as Grounds staff, will be moved to indoor work environments. 
  • AQI of 150-200: Mitigating measures will be enacted, such as requesting employees to work from home when possible and minimizing outdoor activities while on-site. 
  • AQI over 200: Campus will be closed except where there are mitigating factors.
    These are general guidelines at this point and will continue to be refined. However, they will be used if the air quality significantly declines over the next few weeks. Any questions about specific conditions should be addressed to your direct supervisor. 

As we all know, we are definitely living in unprecedented times, made even more complicated by the rapid rise in infection and hospitalization rates from the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 variant. The district is making every effort to ensure that we can bring our students, staff and faculty back on site while minimizing the risk in doing so. We appreciate the input from all our constituency groups and will continue to evaluate our procedures to ensure that we are answering your concerns and providing as risk-free an environment as possible. Thank you in advance for your patience as we work through this process. 


July 17, 2021
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner to all employees

Dear Colleagues, 

The counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and the City of Berkeley recommend masking Indoors for everyone as a precaution against increased circulation of COVID-19.  The news release can be found here: 

Regardless of vaccination status, Foothill-De Anza employees, students, and visitors are expected to follow this recommendation when on campus as our part in mitigating the risk of transmission.  Specifically, masks should be worn indoors unless the individual is working alone.  When outdoors, masks should be worn in large groups or instances where social distancing of six feet cannot be maintained.

I want to thank all of you who are taking every precaution to protect yourselves and those around you.  We have never been more dependent on each other and I am confident that our collective efforts will serve us well. 

Be safe, 

June 28, 2021
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner to all employees

Dear Colleagues, 

As we continue our planning and discussions regarding reopening our colleges, we have received a number of inquiries seeking clarification on our current and future expectations for remote work. As you may know, we are at the beginning stages of drafting a remote work policy and administrative procedures to be shared with constituency groups, but those consultations will take a number of months. Our current timeline anticipates having a procedure by December 2021. 

In the interim, our colleges are beginning to reopen with additional programs and services available in person this summer and even more by Fall quarter. This means there is likely an increased expectation for employees to return to campus as well. 

We appreciate that many of you may still be reluctant to return in person, either due to concerns about the virus for you or your family, childcare or eldercare needs, or for other personal reasons regarding commute times, flexibility in scheduling, etc. We encourage you to work with your manager to discuss your interests and determine if continuing a remote work schedule may be continued for the immediate future. Wherever possible, managers are encouraged to continue to provide remote work options for all employees with special circumstances or concerns, at least through Fall quarter.   

In the meantime, I appreciate your patience as we navigate the desires and needs of students and employees who are equally passionate about returning to campus or continuing online. I am also in awe of your dedication and grit that supported high quality teaching and learning during the toughest year on record.  Here’s wishing you a summer that includes quality time for you and yours! 

In gratitude,

June 15, 2021

Dear Colleagues, 

With the announcement by Governor Newsom regarding the “reopening” of California, I am sure we are all happy to see the lifting of so many restrictions. The Mercury News published an excellent Q&A article this morning about the reopening, and it is encouraging to see the current consistency of regulations throughout the Bay Area. For statewide guidance about reopening the California Community Colleges, please see the June 11, 2021, memo from Chancellor Eloy Oakley.  

So, what’s next for Foothill-De Anza? 

In many ways, not much will change for our operations.  Masks at work are currently required by Cal/OSHA, but we expect some revisions to be announced on June 17. 

The current plans for summer and fall course schedules will remain in place while Central Services and the colleges analyze the feedback from student and employee surveys that were recently completed, which you can view here: 

Employee Return to Campus Survey 

Foothill Student Planning Survey Fall 2021 

De Anza Student Survey for Fall 2021 

If you have questions about your individual work situation, please meet with your manager.   

On Monday night, our Board of Trustees passed a resolution directing the presentation of a mandatory vaccination policy for students and staff at the board meeting of July 12. Both the policy and administrative procedures will be discussed at the Chancellor’s Advisory Council meeting on June 18 from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Please contact your representative(s) on the Chancellor's Advisory Council with any feedback you have about the draft documents. 

Time permitting, we will also take questions at the Budget Town Hall on June 17, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. I encourage you to attend using the Zoom information on your district calendar to learn about some interesting budget developments. 

Thank you for your Herculean efforts over the past 15 months!  The student testimonials at this year’s graduation celebrations are evidence of your transformative impact in the midst of personal and professional challenges unlike any we have ever endured.  I wish you all a happy and safe re-entry into the new normal. 

Warmest regards, 

May 24, 2021
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner to all employees

Dear Colleagues, 

On May 18, Santa Clara County mandated that “all businesses and governmental entities determine the COVID-19 vaccination status of their employees, contractors, volunteers, and others who regularly work onsite.” 

To meet this requirement,  please complete the very brief survey linked below no later than 5:00 PM, Wednesday, May 26 

The system will automatically record your name and CWID.  People who indicate they are unvaccinated as defined by the County will receive this survey every 14 days to update their status accordingly. 

Although the district is not currently requiring employees to be vaccinated, you may request an exemption from vaccination as described below:

  1. Medical Exemption: due to a medical (including mental health) condition for which an Approved Vaccine presents a significant risk of a serious adverse reaction. The District may ask that a medical Exemption be verified by a certified or licensed healthcare professional.

  2. Religious Exemption: due to either (i) a person's sincerely held religious belief, observance, or practice, which includes any traditionally recognized religion, or (ii) beliefs, observances, or practices which an individual sincerely holds and that occupy a place of importance in that individual's life, comparable to that of traditionally recognized religions.  
Please contact Myisha Washington in Human Resources to request an accommodation if either of the exemptions listed above are applicable to you.    

Thank you for your assistance in meeting this county mandate.  We expect to verify a high rate of vaccination among our employees, thereby increasing confidence in the safety of return to campus activities. 

Be well, 

May 19, 2021
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner to all employees

Dear Colleagues, 

Attached is the executive summary of the most recent health order from Santa Clara County in which I have highlighted directives regarding vaccinated and unvaccinated employees and students.  Human Resources is in the process of determining specific details of compliance and we will share those with you as soon as possible.

Please remember that masks are still required when on campus.

Thank you for your patience as we obtain more information, 

May 5, 2021
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner to all employees

Dear Colleagues, 

Attached is a summary of the Consultation Task Force discussion that took place on May 4, 2021.  I am extremely grateful to all the participants for their insights and suggestions that produced such thoughtful dialogue and look forward to future meetings. 
Particularly noteworthy is the preference of attendees for our district to require our employees and students to be vaccinated if they return to campus. (Exemptions would be allowed for medical and religious reasons.)  Implementation of such a requirement would be conditioned upon:
  • full approval of vaccines by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration;
  • adoption of a policy by the Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees; and
  • establishment of administrative procedures by the Chancellor's Advisory Council.

More information will be available during the return-to-campus planning and lessons learned session on May 26 from 2:00-3:00 PM and you are welcome to send questions in advance to  There will be a recording in case you can't join us live.

As we await further developments and opportunities to meet, I hope we will do everything we can individually and collectively to encourage vaccinations and safe behaviors that will allow us to enjoy each other’s company without needing a Zoom link! 

Warmest regards,

April 27, 2021
Message from district Chancellor Judy Miner to all employees

Dear Colleagues, 

The recent announcement that UC and CSU are requiring all students and employees to be vaccinated once vaccines receive full approval, raises one more set of questions for us to answer as we implement our own phased return to campus.  Here is an update on several issues about which Chancellor’s Cabinet has received questions over the past few weeks. 

Return to Campus Task Force 

We are grateful to Pat James, Brenda Visas, and Jeff Schlesinger who signed on to help us complete required documentation of safety protocols and consult with colleagues on a myriad of compliance issues.  We originally envisioned the Task Force having to meet with an overwhelming number of groups requesting assistance with their return to campus plans, but that is not what happened. 

First, there was not an overwhelming number of requests.  Second, the colleges did such a good job anticipating what would be needed and consulting with key support services, that they didn’t need any additional review.  Thus, the work of the Task Force is done. 

Reconvening of the Consultation Task Force 

However, as employees and students have begun to return, we have certain districtwide decisions to make that would best be done by reconvening the Consultation Task Force (CTF) that was immeasurably helpful in our decision making around shelter-in-place last year.  The CTF comprises leaders of our bargaining units, Classified Senates, student bodies, and Academic Senates; colleges’ senior staffs and Chancellor’s Cabinet.   

Questions for consideration include but are not limited to: 

  • In the absence of a mandate from the Board of Governors or other authority, should we mandate vaccinations for students and employees, the latter subject to collective bargaining? 
  • What is the process for handling individuals who refuse to comply with safety protocols or are disruptive/uncooperative in some fashion? 
  • How do you respond to students or employees who receive a health alert on the health status reporting application? 

I will convene the CTF on May 4 from 2:30-4:00 PM and encourage you to contact your respective Senate or union representatives to convey your ideas and concerns.   

Thank you for your patience as we tackle so many important issues, particularly regarding vaccinations.  With or without an external mandate for vaccinations, I do hope that our district will lead the way in modeling behavior that is in the best interests of public health and safety. 

Be well, 

Archived messages