District Enrollment Management Committee

REIMAGINING INITIATIVE PRIORITY:  Establish a districtwide enrollment management committee



Click HERE to view the Dec. 12, 2022, slideshow presentation to the Board of Trustees

  1. Share common language for enrollment terms
  2. Establish guiding principles and a strategic vision for enrollment management that aligns with district master plan and colleges’ strategic initiatives
  3. Facilitate collaboration across silos with sharing of best practices (scheduling, outreach, support, services, productivity targets)
  4. Align strategy, policy, and processes for enrollment management across the two campuses
  5. Identify initiatives to support enrollment growth opportunities or targeted student enrollment

Fall/Winter Objectives:

  • Small work group established to review productivity targets via new productivity planning tool
  • Discussion with Central Services fiscal team regarding productivity, targets, and fiscal responsibilities
  • Establish timeline for program viability discussions and guiding principles in collaboration with campus senates

Winter/Spring Objectives:

  • Expand work group to discuss guiding principles and framework for developing a strategic plan (and align with district strategic plan and mission refresh)
  • Identify key enrollment-related pain points and create work groups to propose solutions that involve collaboration across central services and both campuses.