REIMAGINING INITIATIVE PRIORITY: Establish a districtwide enrollment management committee
Click HERE to view the Dec. 12, 2022, slideshow presentation to the Board of Trustees
- Share common language for enrollment terms
- Establish guiding principles and a strategic vision for enrollment management that aligns with district master plan and colleges’ strategic initiatives
- Facilitate collaboration across silos with sharing of best practices (scheduling, outreach, support, services, productivity targets)
- Align strategy, policy, and processes for enrollment management across the two campuses
- Identify initiatives to support enrollment growth opportunities or targeted student enrollment
Fall/Winter Objectives:
- Small work group established to review productivity targets via new productivity planning tool
- Discussion with Central Services fiscal team regarding productivity, targets, and fiscal responsibilities
- Establish timeline for program viability discussions and guiding principles in collaboration with campus senates
Winter/Spring Objectives:
- Expand work group to discuss guiding principles and framework for developing a strategic plan (and align with district strategic plan and mission refresh)
- Identify key enrollment-related pain points and create work groups to propose solutions that involve collaboration across central services and both campuses.